初選評判包括肥媽 (這是筆者預計之內)、著名舞蹈老師黃蕊,及亞視藝員許瑩、劉曉智 (翻查一下資料,原來她們以前都是舞蹈老師)。可是,她們的強項分別為拉丁舞、社交舞和民族舞,而筆者估計時下青年人卻較喜歡跳hip-hop、break dance,未知亞視會否考慮在評判陣容上加上這方面的專才呢?
《亞洲星光大道 4 跳舞吧!》即場面試記者會
日期:2011 年 8 月 28 日 (星期日)
時間:下午 2 時 30 分
地點:亞視大埔總台 12 號錄影廠
(新界大埔工業邨大盛街 25 - 37 號)
肥媽 (Maria Cordero)、著名舞蹈老師黃蕊、許瑩、劉曉智
〔* 屆時《亞洲星光大道 4 跳舞吧!》
If the performance is stunning enough, no matter it's hiphop or formal dancing, it should still catch the eyes. I knew nothing about dancing, but was so stunned by the hiphop dancing in You think you can dance. btw...I love ballet and those classical dancing too..haha! Some moves in hiphop are not easy at all, those dancing teachers should know. As for Fat mom, most of her artists from Star family are doing hiphop or mordern dancing now, she should be quite used to this type of dancing.