第一首是Janice既Rainbows,呢隻係Janice7月英文新碟既歌, Janice唱歌不嬲都好有水準, 英文歌更加係佢強項, 以下既係live version, 應該係公益金個晚唱的, full version仲未搵到, 不過由於隻歌太正, 已經急不及待地介紹給大家, 希望大家會支持佢7月既新碟~
Flipping through the channels, can’t seem to understand
Why so many children, losing their mums and dads
I remember a time, there would be rainbows
Now we’re living in a time with darker skies
There was heavy rainfall down in Mississippi
People lose their families to that endless storm
I remember days, there would be freedom
Let it be today, show the way
*It doesn’t matter what colour or whereabouts you are
This world that we have, is for everyone
So don’t you give up
We’ll pass the test of time, coz I can’t make it through
without you*
Snowy is the weather down in Chicago
I guess the world is changing even faster than me and you
I remember spring, there would be flowers
Bring me back again,
Oh Lord, won’t you please?
It doesn’t matter what colour or how rich you are
This world that we have, is for everyone
So don’t let it down
We’ll pass the test of time, coz I can’t make it through
without you
Flipping through the channels, I see a broken man
Through his devastation
He still smiles through the broken glass
Coz he knows it’s time
We are part of something
Something beautiful, see the light
第二首係小肥既寵物的畢業禮, 小肥係一個我幾欣賞既歌手, 但係一直唔紅 (可能香港人都係著重歌手既外表...)仲記得小肥既"寵物"嗎? 呢隻寵物的畢業禮雖然同寵物無咩關係, 但係一樣咁好聽, 係我在佢隻碟 "festival traveller"裡最喜歡既歌~
作曲:陳思捷 填詞:方杰 編曲:陳西敏, Walter Wong
排排企 在黃昏裡罰留堂 似跟妳站到永久
那天不過八歲 時光卻沒停留
後來跟妳大學同行 到宿舍陪妳喝酒
妳喜歡了跳舞 我喜愛了妳 匆匆過了幾個秋
池塘畔 四方帽
那晚妳很溫柔 躺於我的雙手
不安的妳 談論到妳一生何求
彷彿愛情懸浮 微風吹便飄走 明天要分開走
任我再不妄想 阻不到夢遊 情份易放不會收
假使我能祈求 誰不想佔有 如合照被我帶走
輕輕抱我 只感到 一絲離愁
寧願變貓狗 抱個夠
漫長冬季遇著寒流 妳畢了業有多久
我於餐店笑說 怎麼變老了 聲線帶點顫抖
池塘畔 四方帽
那晚那點溫柔 火花已給沖走
天真的我 還在盼妳轉身回頭
彷彿愛情懸浮 微風吹便飄走 明天要分開走
任我再不妄想 阻不到夢遊 情份易放不會收
假使我能祈求 誰不想佔有 如合照被我帶走
輕輕抱我 只感到 一絲離愁
寧願變貓狗 抱個夠
一刻愛情懸浮 微風吹便飄走 明天要分開走
舊摯友小角色 於新的地球 還是會徘徊四周
假使我能祈求 誰不想佔有 如合照被我帶走
險關過了 闖不過 急促人流
從前妳穿上一襲白長裙 借給我物理試卷
妳的寵愛叫我 餘生都可看見